Malaysia's Tenth Prime Minister

Malaysia's Tenth Prime Minister
YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Eyeing this Theresa Kok rampage

Dear Chamil,

My dear friend, please watch your back, a lot of unidentified creatures have escaped and they might do harm to you.

Some of them are like "siapa makan cabai dia berasa pedas". They do not understand that seloka, pantun, cerpen are ways and means of wise people communicating.

In this civil society of ours will bound to be people monkeying. Ada setengah itu tak pernah punyai jawatan dan kuasa. Jadi kalau dapat tempat, maka jadi lah mereka macam monyet dapat bunga. Berkecai lah bunga itu dibuatnya. Bersabar lah saudara kerana akhirnya monyet itu akan ditangkap juga dan dimasukkan kedalam sangkarnya. Siapa monyet tu? Kalau disebut nama akan disaman nya kita. Allah hu Alam.

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