Malaysia's Tenth Prime Minister

Malaysia's Tenth Prime Minister
YAB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Eyeing NbM's pemikiran 01-06

 Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 01/2020

1. Walaupun kita akan dapat mengatasi wabak ni dengan jayanya in sya Allah, sudah tentu cara hidup kita akan wajib diubah untuk mempastikan wabak saperti dan sekutu dengan nya dapat dikawal dan dielakkan berulang.
A) kebersihan diri
B) kebersihan pakaian
C) kebersihan persikitaran (rumah/premis)
D) kebersihan alam sekitar

Membasmi kuman (disinfectant) dan kebersihan (sanitization) akan menjadi proses normal baru (new normal) untuk kenderaan, rumah, pejabat, kedai, pasaraya, kilang dan tempat awam.

Walaupun alkohol boleh digunakan, sudah tentu ada substitute nya yang "non alcoholic" dan "bleach based".

Satu peluang baru untuk pengusaha adalah perkhidmatan "disinfectant & sanitization" kenderaan, rumah, pejabat, kedai, pasaraya, kilang dan tempat awam.

(i) terowong/tunnel body sanitizer
(ii) sistem penyemburan
(iii) ubahsuai kenderaan untuk logistik perkhidmatan
(iv) latihan untuk kakitangan

(i) data dan lokasi pelanggan
(ii) kekerapan / frequency (sekali/dua kali/tiga kali sehari)
(iii) bahan semburan "non alcoholic dan bleach based"

Pandangan diatas boleh dijadikan sebagai satu perniagaan baru untuk usahawan usahawan kita. Sekim peralihan memerlukan dana modal (pembelian asset terowong & peralatan sistem penyemburan & pengangkutan) dan modal pusingan (gaji pekerja, bahan mentah dan kos operasi).

Salam hurmat, NbM.

Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 02/2020

Badan, Ajensi, Instituisi dan organisasi2 yang lain yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan sama ada dibawah akta atau tidak atau instrumen2 yang lain mempunyai tanggongjawab untuk melaksana dan mencapai tujuan dan matlamat Kerajaan.

Setiap mereka mempunyai dua badan yang akan bertanggongjawab. Satu lembaga Pengarah atau Ahli Majlis yang diketuai oleh Pengerusi dan kedua nya Pengurusan yang di ketuai oleh Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif atau CEO.

Pengerusi ahli lembaga wajar diwakili oleh ahli Parlimen kerana biasanya kerja kerja badan, ajensi, instituisi akan disoal di dalam Parlimen dan laporan laporan berkanun mereka juga akan dibentang diParlimen begitu juga dengan laporan audit mereka.

Kemajuan dan kejayaan badan, ajensi, instituisi dan organisasi2 itu selalu nya akan bergantung kepada pemisahan kuasa diantara Lembaga dan Pengurusan.

Lembaga menjaga DASAR, kawal dan pantau kemajuan serta pencapaian dan menentukan belanjawan nya, gaji kos dan pembelian asset alih dan tidak alih serta pelaburan dan lain2.

Pengurusan menterjemahkan dasar didalam perlaksanaan dan amanah serta dedikasi penoh didalam mencapai visi, misi tujuan dan matlamat.

Tidak salah orang politik khusus nya ahli parlimen dilantik kebadan badan, ajensi ajensi, insituisi instituisi serta organisasi organisasi Kerajaan. Kerana pertalian nya jelas sebagai ahli parlimen dan laporan badan, ajensi, insituisi dan organisasi itu yang dibentang keParlimen.

Salam hormat, NbM.

Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 03/2020

Jika diperhatikan visi, misi dan objektif FINAS - sensible and achievable.

Peneraju industri perfileman Malaysia bertaraf antarabangsa.

Memacu industri perfileman Malaysia ke peringkat Antarabangsa
Memperkasakan perkhidmatan dan kemudahan yang cekap dan berkesan
Memperkasakan profesionalisme dalam kalangan pengiat industri
Meningkatkan sokongan, penontonan dan semangat mencintai filem tempatan

Menggalak, memelihara dan memudahkan kemajuan industri perfileman

Dimanakah peranan mereka didalam penubuhan Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios diJohor, penubuhan Movies Animation Park Studios (MAPS) diPerak, Projek Entertainment Village (EV) diCyberjaya. Bagaimana dengan fasilitas diStudio Merdeka Jalan Hulu Kelang dan kompleks diJalan Utara, PJ. Hope they play a prominent role in all these initiatives and ventures and how the local industry players can benefit from them.

Actually FINAS should own all the rights for all entertainments or share some incentives from Ananda Krishnan's monopoly. Then from the "cess fund" development of local film industry can be awarded grants and affordable financing facilities to avoid the syariah compliance issues with the banks.

It all boils down to the executive leadership of the organisation. The political elements can persuade on the policies and direction and debating and protecting it in Parliament to secure enough budget allocations.

The Drivers must be honest, sincere, responsible and knows driving the vehicle so that passengers will arrive safely to their destinations.

A proper select committee must conduct proper due deligence on these personalities before they are entrusted with the job whether politicians or professionals.

Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 04/2020

Internet penetration as percentage of population if studied will reflect how the infrastructure will assist infostructure in desiminating content which is relevant and useful to the people and nation. Maju mundur sesebuah Negara akan bergantung kepada knowledge development and connectivity of the rakyat within the country and internationally. What is proposed in the Global Islamic Digital Economy will be very relevant as one of the initiatives.

South Korea (96%), Brunei (95.3%),Jepun (93.8%), Taiwan (92.6%), Hong Kong (89.3%), Singapore (88.4%), Thailand (81.7%) and Malaysia (81.4%). There are 26,353,017 Malaysians connected as Internet users and 25,520,000 Facebook users.

There are 2,305,458,859 Internet users in Asia and 2,273,680,275 in the rest of the world giving Internet access to 4,574,150,134 users in the world. In these inclusive of demand and supply (the market). Figures as of 31/1/2020.

The backbone of our information and communication infrastructure must be concretised nationwide to reap benefits of digital developments, unity, prosperity and happiness. Whilst allowing private competition for better and affordable services, government must be able to control and monitor revenues and also regulate the terms and conditions. In other words, in strategic initiatives, government should have a golden share. Whilst free speech and personal rights are observed, the interests of the majority must be safeguarded against minority interests.

The post covid-19 era will see the influence of digital activities in many more areas. We must galvanise efforts to be at par with the goings on at the world stage in order not to be left behind. Whilst my generation may not be that articulate in the mega trends but I believe and confident that our younger generation are equally good if not better in aggressively participating in & for their future.

Saya telah memberikan pandangan saya terhadap catitan Y Bhg Dato Dr Haim diruang yang lain, idzin saya copykan disini.

Y Bhg Datuk Prof Haim Hilman Abdullah, I beg to differ. I am just thinking aloud. Not very sure whether I am right. I personally do not wish the future of the majority rakyat in Malaysia who are Muslims, Malays and Bumiputeras to be under a special ministry.

Hak dan keistimewaan Melayu dan Bumiputera wajib dimaju dan dibangunkan disemua Kementerian across the board. There must be the Muslim&Malay&Bumiputera content as an integral part of every Ministry towards Malaysia becoming a progressive developed nation.

The Prime Minister and his cabinet take charge and full responsibilty of this agenda. Its a national agenda. The development and prosperity of the Muslims & Malays & Bumiputeras is something which has been agreed upon and part and parcel of our constitution. The Policy and direction is concretised but very shy in implementation. The weakness is ourselves being apologetic for no good reason.

What I am trying to say is that pembangunan dan kemajuan Melayu dan Bumiputera is the responsibility of the whole Government and its Agencies and organisations. Should not minimise it into one ministry because depending on the personality and influence of the Minister, sometimes the other Ministries dont subdue.

Role of the Govt & Ministry

To get the states to agree and work together.
Establish Justice. ...
Insure domestic Tranquility. ...
Provide for the common defense. ...
Promote the general welfare. ...
And secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Pada fahaman saya, fungsi utama kerajaan adalah membuat dasar dan perancangan kewangan (budget) yang diluluskan oleh Parlimen untuk dilaksanakan oleh perkhidmatan awamnya, membentuk kementerian kementerian mengikut peranan dan fungsinya, diplomasi antarabangsa antara negara, pertahanan ketenteraan negara, menjaga keselamatan dan ketenteraman domestik negara, pentadbiran undang undang, keharmonian agama & kaum kaum, penyediaan utiliti dan perkhidmatan awam, tanggongjawab persekutuan kepada negeri negeri, menjana pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi, pelajaran & pendidikan, perkhidmatan kesihatan, kesejahteraan sosial & kebajikan rakyat, Sumber manusia/pekerjaan, kepentingan pengguna, menjaga alam sekitar dan kebahagian rakyat.

Pendapat peribadi saya, saya hendak pembelaan, pembangunan dan kemajuan Melayu/Bumiputera menjadi Ajenda Nasional Kerajaan yang dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan dan semua kementerian serta badan dan ajensi nya yang diberi keutamaan oleh Perdana Menteri sendiri dan dibantu perlaksanaan dan pemantaun nya oleh seorang Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Ia merupakan perjuangan arus perdana dan bukan nya sampingan atau pun sesuatu yang khas. Perjuangan yang inklusif wajib diterima (acceptance) oleh rakyat Malaysia keturunan yang lain lain.

30 tahun dahulu, saya bersependapat dengan Dato Dr Haim, saya juga melaungkan agar ada Kementerian khas untuk Bumiputera, tapi kali ini saya harap bukan sebuah Kementerian tetapi seluruh kerajaan. Sekadar pandangan sahaja.

Syukur alhamdullilah dan terima kasih kpd Dato Dr Hasan Mad. To change the mindset and characteristics of the Malays we need to focus all of our energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

Kita dah ada Melayu Baru yang banyak yang terperangkap di "middle income". Ramai yang telah menjadi usahawan. Now time to unleash them to high income but we are faced with all the constraints of the present pandemic. If not back to zero or negative, a lot of casualties. Maybe its a blessing in disguise. Kita dikehendakki bangkit dengan cara baru. Diharapkan kumpulan ini akan menemui kaedah baru itu.

Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 05/2020

I am very fond of these two phrases:
1. From cradle to tomb and
2. Life long learning

Before we dont have the tools. We are not capable to mine data from respective bodies, agencies and institutions. We are also incapable in pushing data for consumption in planning, simulating and stratigising to an Intelligence command center (ICC) - if there is one, I am not aware. Info are kept a secret by the respective sources and census/survey (eg DOSM last economic census was in 2016) are not interactive & updated to be accurate, live and sustainable. Hopefully these are things of the past.

With the advancement of information communication technology (ICT) and the application of internet of things (IoT) and AI, Malaysia should have its Intelligence Command Center (ICC) by now for policy planning & Execution, Strategising population issues, defence and internal peace/security, economic issues, education and social issues (DOSM have some statistics but not all).

Liason and coordination with the states and local authorities and federal Ministries & agencies in implementing their digital programs is fundamental in establishing the ICC to good use. Body like MAMPU must be the enforcer and implementor & MDEC with Cyberjaya industries can support and facilitate.

One suggestion I put forward during our discussions towards Vision 2020 was the registration of new borns with Identity Card (IC) numbers. Previously you are issued the ID when you reach 12 years of age. Now it is implemented. With the smart chip embedded in these ICs and these chips are also communicable and valid for transactions, from womb to tomb, we will be able to have data for health, education, career guidance, household consumption, lifestyle, welfare services and happiness index.

With abundance of content, and now most are free, with a solid communication backbone and affordable internet access if not free, the lifelong learning can be streamed to every individual to turn them into knowledge beings. Not only as human beings but also being human.

Corruption, mismanagement, personal interests, loopholes, leakaged, weak SOPs are problems saddled with us. If not why are the majority of the Malays is in this status with Malay dominating the powers that be.

With ICC, we can eradicate corruption. Personnel in decision making positions (procurement, licencing, enforcement, politicians with positions and other related occupation) will be automatically tracked of their income and expenditure and also lifestyle. Abnormal behaviour and unjustified actions will be escalated to the hierarchy for swift investigation and intervention. Classified infotmation only made available to designated superiors authorised in the organisation chart. Those related in such positions or gaining employment will have to voluntarily put a bell around their neck. For such to be successful, the remuneration package must be sufficient to avoid thoughts to stray. Other incentives like transportation, housing, childrens education fund, paid holidays (or umrah/haj) can be considered. With cashless transactions except for some pettycash where purchases online or usage of cards not available, the petty cash limit is also regulated within their means and usage.

Whilst the above is applicable to Public Service, the private sector can also implement such voluntary exercise through the ICC (Intelligence Command Center) for a fee which can be revenue to government.

Abnormal income through family gifts, inheritance, husband or wife transactions are reported to superiors so that when unfavourable alarm is escalated, the abnormality has justification. It should fair, just and full proof.

Wallah hualam bis shawab.
Salam hurmat,

Sekadar berkongsi pemikiran saya 06/2020

Government had kindly announced help and assistance for SMEs during this pandemic. The obvious question will be whether bureucracy and red tape are hampering the goodies from reaching the target groups. Are our sole proprietors getting the much needed assistance and helped. They might be short changed because of their own weaknesses.

Data is available at LHDN when you register for taxation, at SSM when your company is registered and file annual returns, at KWSP when you contribute your workers EPF, at SOCSO when you contribute to social security. These information might be kept in silos and not integrated thereby verifying an applicant can be a problem and takes time. These govt agencies should have an Intelligent Command Center where information are mined and analysed for the respective programs of assistance.

The main problem will be enterprises who are not properly managed in terms of proper registration and annual returns (info not up to date). Large and medium enterprises are normally up todate. But small enterprises and sole proprietors normally lacks admin and accounting and reports.

Companies that are listed follow stringent rules and procedures. Sendirian Bhds will need to abide by SSM's requirement. The problem will be sole proprietors because they have registration but no returns. Only consolation is that to do business they need to have a licence and these are controlled by local authorities. It depends on the capability and readiness of PBTs (local govts) in their information system. Normally come under state affairs. Suggesting that the Ministry of Local Govt and housing have an information system incorporating all local govts like their housing system for the business licences at the respective towns and districts.

We do have a good infrastructure in ICT and wifi, what needs to be looked into is the infostructure (information structure).

Salam hurmat,

Yes DDHM, it will be a major concern because peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak and Sabah have coastal borders. No enforcement can safeguard such an extensive coast line.

If the Malaysian Identity card chip is interactive we should be able to manage Malaysians in their education, career and welfare. Tracking their locations through Tableau will be no problem.

So and so for legal migrants, special chip based passport should be able to track and monitor them. KDN did the pemutihan exercise but that did not resolve controlling them because their biometrics only done.

Our concern will be the illegals "pendatang tanpa izin". Sempena pandemic ini, program pemutihan boleh dilaksanakan sekali lagi tetapi pendaftaran itu biar lah berkesan agar pendatang pendatang ini yang ada guna nya untuk bantu guna tenaga ekonomi Malaysia boleh dikawal dan dikesan melalui chip yang interactive di pengenalan diri/permit mereka.

Ramai juga dikalangan mereka yang datang sebagai buruh telah jadi usahawan. If there is no vacuum, they cannot fill it. Jika usaha orang orang kita tidak setanding dengan survival mereka, wajar kah kita menidakkan pencarian rezeki dibumi Malaysia yang melimpah ruah dengan rezeki untuk direbut.

But the Govt must regulate what industries and tasks that can be permitted. Then again if our infostructure is solid, we should be able to carry out a win win matching. Wallah hualam bis shawab.

[28/04, 06:16] Datuk Naim Mohamad: The seventeen SDGs
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10. Reducing Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life On Land
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals

MPM's role locally and globally as per goal 17.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals.

"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development."

Increasing international cooperation is seen as vital to achieving each of the 16 previous goals. Goal 17 is included to assure that countries and organizations cooperate instead of compete. Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial support is seen as critical to overall success of the SDGs. The goal encompasses improving north–south and South-South cooperation, and public-private partnerships which involve civil societies are specifically mentioned.
[28/04, 06:31] Datuk Naim Mohamad: Government should look into instituting an "Idle Land DevelopmentAuthority"
(ILDA) to activate agricultural activities for food security. Must have to powers to work on tanah adat, tanah rizab melayu dan tanah tanah yang sedang menunggu penyelesaian pesaka kecil atau besar. Akta penubuhan saperti UDA untuk tanah tanah Melayu di bandar tetapi akta ini untuk semua kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Boleh diletak dibawah Majlis Raja Raja agar tanah wakaf juga boleh di usahakan mengikut syarat syarat nya.

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